Sunday, May 20, 2012

Easter, a warm spring, big boy food, and baseball

This Climate Change thing sure is great! The spring of 2012 started real early and we loved every minute it. It sure felt good being able to get Fred outside to play in March without having to bundle him up. We have been on many long (in time) walks, spent many hours coloring with sidewalk chalk, and blowing the occasional bubble.

Easter was very nice this year. Our North Carolina family drove up for a few days. Fred had a great time playing with his cousin Alexa, Uncle Joe and Aunt Kim. We went to Easter Mass at OLP and Nonna and Pops came along. Then they came back to our house for a quick Easter egg hunt. Freddy enjoyed picking up an egg, opening it, then moving on to the next egg. Good thing he was the only one participating!

After the hunt we went down to Boppa's house for an Easter dinner with all of the Krygier family. It was nice to have all the Krygier's together!

We took the boys to their first baseball game of the season against the Angels.  Joe took 'a long' lunch one Thursday in April to enjoy the sunshine (sitting in the shade) and watching some good baseball (only the Angels).  We all had a good time.  Francis slept through most of the game and Fred did a great job of being Fred!  

Francis has started eating Big Boy Food!  The little guys eats it up - mostly the rice cereal and any type of veggie gerber product.  He loves to try to grab the spoon and guide the good into his mouth himself.  One can only imagine what the outcome of that is! 

Dancing in the Rain