Saturday, February 25, 2012

Francis' Baptism

The Family

On Sunday February 19, 2012 Francis Hugh was baptized at Our Lady of Peace Church. His godparents are John Ross and Lerah McCullough and Fr Paul was the presided over the service.
Francis and his Godparents
Mom, Dad, Francis, John and Lerah

It was a real nice celebration for Francis. Fr. Paul treated the mass as it was for Francis and the little girl who was also being baptized. Francis and Freddy did great during the service, for the most part. Francis decided to get a bit vocal a few times. It was his mass so he had every right to do it!
Fr Paul and the Family

Nonna, Pops, and Francis

After the service we all went to Cafe Levain for some food and good company.
Grandpa, aka Boppa, Jonelle and Francis

Francis Hugh 2/25/12

Sunday, February 19, 2012


FANA celebrated its 40th birthday in 2012 and to celebrate the MN Friends of FANA hosted a party at pinstripes in Edina. It was great to catch up with our FANA friends and see everyone's kids.

It was also a lot of fun watching Fred bowl!!! He had a blast and was all over the place. He thought every lane was his, every ball was his, etc. He would slide down the ramp where kids roll their bowling balls down. Then he would lay across the ramp pretending he was an airplane. It was a lot of fun to watch.

I think we will be back!

Some pictures for your enjoyment

Reading a little Rudolph
Fred Chillin

The Boys

Play Time

Craft Time

Play-doh anyone?

Francis and his daddy

Roar!  I am a tiger.

What is all this stuff hanging over me?

Fred at pump it up

Yes, I am cute.

Time for a bike ride

Mommy and her boys

Cool Freddy

Time sure fly's by with a Freddy and a Frankie

We cannot believe that the end of February is right around the corner. The last two months have gone by so fast.

Francis at one month

Our new little bundle of joy has been amazing. He is really a special little guy. When we left the hospital on 12/10 with him he was just over 6 pounds. Not he is close to 11 pounds and his transformation over the past two months is amazing to see. It is a special thing to be able to watch a baby grow and change. He has gone from reaching out a grabbing our fingers, to following his toys with his eyes as we swing them across his face, and now his is even smiling! We can't wait to see what the next day brings.

Francis at two months

Freddy the Cowboy

Freddy continues to be such a sweet and special little boy. He is growing up so fast. It has been a lot of fun and we are truly amazed at how fast he has grown up and the little boy he is turning into. He really is a sweet and caring little guy. He is very helpful and is concerned with others are not feeling well. Also he sure is funny, which is why Lisa has coined the nickname funny honey for him. The kid makes us laugh all the time. Lately his imagination has really kicked up a notch or two. We have fun having hunting for dragons, flying like an airplane, roll playing with his toys, and just having fun playing. Now that is is over two and a half the conversations we get to have with him are something else. Again, he makes us laugh!

We took Fred bowling at Pinstripes! He has so much fund!


Our boys

Our boys have kept us busy over the last two months. Time feels like it is set a warp speed. There is always something going on. Lisa and Freddy do a lot of fun outings together. They still go to the Little Gym, which Fred loves, they also go to story time at the library, the mall to walk and play, play dates with the Eidens and Fred's other friends. Joe still gets to have Daddy Saturdays with Fred. That makes Saturday a special day for Joe. Fred is really into doing "crafts" with Lisa. Basically he cuts up paper and plays with his stamps. It is good stuff.
Freddy:  "I can carry Francis to the car"

Freddy and Mario

Since two boys are not enough to take care of we decided Mario needed to have surgery. The poor little guy has had a knee problem for months now and finally it could not take it anymore. One day it just popped and he could not walk on it. So in early January he had a pretty major knee surgery to repair it. So far so good. He seems to be doing fine. We hope it is all healed up and ready to go for the spring and summer - we all know how much Mario loves to play tennis ball out back!

Mario right after his surgery

Mommy and her baby Francis

And just to add one more thing on our plate (you can see we like to stay busy), Lisa started up her Master's program at St Thomas in January. It is a 15 month long program that meets every Tuesday night. We are so proud of her for doing this!

We will see what else we can throw at ourselves in the next few months. In the meantime we are loving every minute of our lives with our boys!